Jeremy Statton

Living Better Stories


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Linchpin by Seth Godin

The world is changing around us. Are you ready? Your entire life you have been taught to fit in. To be like everybody else. To play it safe. Maybe safe worked in the past, but that day is gone. Today, you have to become indispensable. In this book, Godin discusses the new economy and how it affects you. He explains what you can do to get a step ahead of everybody else.


A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Don Miller

When faced with the task of writing a movie script of his own life, Miller discovers the power of story. As a writer he has learned that one of the best ways to communicate is through story, and that viewing our lives in the same way, can lead to a more remarkable story of our own. The book takes you on a journey and leaves you questioning whether or not you will ever play it safe again. In addition to thisbook, Miller has multiple other resources for those looking to live better stories.


7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

Changing ourselves is a process that starts with who we are, and then, once we our character has changed, we can become different people. Covey takes you through different levels of maturity from dependence to independence to interdependence.  He discusses the basic principles of Character Ethic versus the Personality Ethic. Need inspiration to make those important personal changes in your life? This book will help you deal with who you are so that you can make the changes necessary to live a better story.


The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

One of the biggest obstacles to telling a better story is yourself. Pressfield’s classic work will help you understand the Resistance,  the force within you that tries to keep you from exploring your full creative potential. Although the Resistance is trying to kill you, if you are aware of it, it can also help guide you. This book is a must read for both creatives and noncreatives. It is for anyone who is interested in stop playing it safe and doing more.

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