Jeremy Statton

Living Better Stories

3 Reasons You Need to Get “Wrecked”

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I want you to get WRECKED so bad that I am giving away 5 copies of Jeff Goins’ new book. Details of the book give away are located at the end of the post. This offer expires Wednesday morning Aug 1 at 8:00am.

This week a new book releases by Jeff Goins titled Wrecked. And I want you to get it.

Both the book and your story.

Normal or Wrecked?

We get to choose how we tell our story. How to live our lives. But in general there are two options.

The “normal” one is to live life for yourself. Focus on you. Buy more stuff. Build bigger barns (a nest egg) and then fill them with your stuff. The stuff of the American Dream. Focused on self. Entitled.

The other option is to live out of a sense of love. A life of commitment. To do good for the sake of others. To live generously. To live sacrificially.

To realize that life is short and will end, and the things that matter most to us when it is over is what needs to matter most to us right now.

In the pursuit of lives that tell better stories, we have to shift away from a normal, consumerism-driven, way of looking at life. Instead, we have to be destroyed for the good of others. Completely undone for the sake of love.

Getting wrecked is about living a purposeful life, instead of one focused on yourself.

3 Reasons You Should Get Wrecked

1. Your life is too comfortable. It sounds paradoxical, but it is true. To live a better story, we have to experience pain. Especially the pain of others. Until there is pain, you will find it hard to do something bigger than yourself. Until you see a need or feel a burden, you will stay put.

Getting wrecked is about entering pain for the good of others.

2. You were made for a bigger purpose. How do you spend your time right now? Pur your iPhone down for a second and actually think about this. What do your days look lie? Video games? Television? The making of money? Getting drunk? All fun things to do. But none of them provide any substance or quality to your life.

Getting wrecked is about recognizing what truly matters and living a life with purpose.

3. Our culture doesn’t understand what it means to love. In a society intent on getting you to buy a ticket to the movie, we tell stories about love that make us feel good. To us, love is about a feeling that overwhelms us and makes us happy. Like a drug. Or chocolate chip cookies. This is not true love. True love is about the other person. Giving them what they need. Doing for them what they need.

Getting wrecked is about a love that is sacrificial.

Get Wrecked

Goins relays his own experience of seeing life differently. From using his spare time to befriend the homeless in his city to helping missionaries who have decided to devote their life for the good of the poor.

Wrecked is a book that is part instructional and part inspirational. A book filled with stories and a call to live with a greater sense of meaning than buying a big house and an expensive luxury car. To live life with purpose. To view people as individual who have worth, even when they smell bad and wear dirty clothes. To care. To love.

There is a 4th reason you should get WRECKED. If you buy the book later this week (between Aug 1-Aug 4), Goins is offering you 6 free gifts.

These gifts include:

  • Electronic versions of the book (a $31.47 collection).
  • Advance download of the unabridged audiobook (a $29.99 value).
  • The 10-week “action guide” for group or individual study (an exclusive guide valued at $12.99).
  • Complimentary copy of my latest eBook, You Are a Writer in all formats (a $14.97 value).
  • Free download of my hour-long audio program, The Writer’s Studio, plus a companion worksheet (a $19.98 value).
  • 50% off his upcoming online writing course, Tribe Writers (a value of $49.50).

To read more about this opportunity click here.

Have you ever been wrecked?

You can leave a comment by clicking here.

To be eligible to receive a free copy of Wrecked I need for you to leave a comment below with a reason why you want the book. You also need to share this blog post on either Twitter or Facebook. When you share it, please be sure to include my name so that I’ll be notified. I will arbitrarily select 5 winners. The book give away will close on Wednesday Aug 1 at 8:00am. Winners of the contest will be eligible for the 6 free gifts as well.

About Jeremy Statton

Jeremy is a writer and an orthopedic surgeon. When not ridding the world of pain, he helps you live a better story. Follow him on Twitter or Facebook or Google +.

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