Jeremy Statton

Living Better Stories

6 Simple Steps to Getting More Done

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The list of roles I play is long.

  • Husband
  • Father to 4 kids
  • Prospective adoptive parent
  • Orthopedic surgeon with a busy office, surgery and 15 days of call per month
  • Medical missionary
  • Church member who leads a small group and a men’s leadership class
  • Runner who participates in several half-marathons a year
  • Reader who can’t seem to read enough
  • Writer

I don’t know about you, but I am exhausted just reading about all of these responsibilities.

Over the last several years as my workload has increased so has my productivity.

I am often asked, how do you get all of this done? Where do you find the time? What is your secret?

I wish there was a magic pill that gave me more time in the day.. Sorry, but there is no secret. There is no quick fix.

The key ingredient? Work. Elbow grease. Blood, sweat, and tears.

photo by Trey Ratcliff (Creative Commons)

Although hard work is critical, I also learned how to better use my time. Most of us waste several hours a day. These hours add up. Cutting out dead space in your day, can help you maximize your time and productivity.

Here are 6 simple steps to getting more done.

1. Love the Work. I play all of the roles in my list because I love them. When you love the work you do, it changes your entire perspective. The work becomes a priority. Instead of seeing the work as a chore, you see it as an opportunity. Instead of feeling the need to pursue traditional leisure activities, the work you do is reward enough.

2. Early Mornings. The single greatest efficiency tool I have added to my routine is getting up early. I start the day before the day begins. When I get up early and accomplish something, it is amazing how good I feel about the rest of the day. When you love the work you do, getting up early is an opportunity as well.

3. Know Your Priorities. There is something right now that you know you need to do, but feel like you don’t have the time and it is driving you crazy. When we let ourselves do work that is not important, priorities are neglected, and stress builds. By doing what is important we can decrease stress levels. Less stress equals more productivity.

4. Develop a Plan. The law of entropy tells us that the world gravitates toward chaos. Experience shows us it has this same effect on our schedules. Order doesn’t just happen. In order to get more done, you have to plan for it. Try planning out each week on Sunday. A clear plan is the only way to fit in your priorities in a busy schedule.

5. Seek Positive Help. You have friends that inspire you to get more done and live a better story. You also have friends that distract you from doing work that is important. Although there may be a role for these friendships, don’t let their negativity dominate your mindset. Try to focus on the people in your life that encourage you and your work.

6 Know the Value of Your Time. The list of potential distractions is long. The internet. Your smartphone. Facebook. Twitter. Video games. Sports. That really good book. Possibly your family. These distractions steal time away from your important work. View every minute of the day as a valuable opportunity. When you allow distractions to enter your life, you are trading away time that you can never get back. Ask yourself whether or not it is really worth it.

There are only so many minutes in the day, but these steps can help you make every single one of the count.

How do you get more done with your time? Tell us your secret in the comments.

About Jeremy Statton

Jeremy is a writer and an orthopedic surgeon. When not ridding the world of pain, he helps you live a better story. Follow him on Twitter or Facebook or Google +.

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