Jeremy Statton

Living Better Stories

Today or Tomorrow?

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There are two different ways to write your story. Two ways to choose to live your life.

One is for the short term. To win acclamation and praise now. To do whatever it takes to get what you want today.

To live for a purpose that only matters for a moment.

The other way is to shoot for the long haul. To live for tomorrow instead of today. Or even longer. To live for tomorrow’s tomorrow.

To live for a purpose that matters forever.

The difference? You.

photo by Shahid Sarker (Creative Commons)

When you live for today, the focus is on what you want. The self.

When you live for tomorrow, it is typically for the good of someone else.

It is a choice that you get to make. Everyday.

The default answer is the former. And many live life by default, making the decision without ever really thinking about it. When tomorrow becomes today, they have nothing to show from yesterday.

The only way to choose tomorrow is to actively make the choice. To intend to do more and not settle for less.

Today or tomorrow? It’s your choice.

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About Jeremy Statton

Jeremy is a writer and an orthopedic surgeon. When not ridding the world of pain, he helps you live a better story. Follow him on Twitter or Facebook or Google +.

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